Departmental Academic Advisory Board Members
Sr.No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr. K Hussain HOD | HOD |
2 | Mr. M S Kulkarni | Program Coordinator |
3 | Mr. A A Suryawanshi | Academic Coordinator |
4 | Mr. C D Patil | SY Class Coordinator |
5 | Mrs. A A Kekare | TY Class Coordinator |
6 | Mr. C S Patil | B.Tech Class Coordinator |
7 | Dr. Madhukar M Waware | Former Prof. WCE, Sangli/ Secretary UGC, New Delhi |
8 | Mr. Ajay B Patil | Associate Prof. WCE, Sangli |
9 | Mr. Vinayak P Goad | MSETCL, Alkud, Miraj |
10 | Mr. Vaibhav C Jamdar | Director-Laxmi Electronics, Sangli |
11 | Mr. Chetan Kadam | Alumni/Govt. Licensed Electrical Contractor Chetashwini Electrospark Ignition, Sangli |
12 | Mr. Gurudatta Moravekar | Parent of SY Student Mangesh Moravekar |
13 | Entire Faculty | Department of Electrical Engineering |
14 | Mr. Anil A Ganeshwade | TY Electrical Student/Student Representative |
15 | Ms. Nikita Bhise | TY Electrical Student/Student Representative |