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Department Activities

Value Added Programs 2024-25

Sr.NoName of PtogramClassNo of StudentsExpert NameDuration
1E-PLANTY72Ms. Shweta Atre, CAD trainer Grafix Technology Kolhapur30/08/2024 to 04/09/2024
2E-CADSY71Mr. Pruthviraj Pramod Patil, CAD trainer, Info Grow Kolhapur06/10/2024 to 11/10/2024
3Revit MEPTY73Mr. Ravindra A. Thorat, Branch Head , Mr. Pranav sir Trainer, Graphics Technologies, Kolhapur03/02/2025 to 09/02/2025

Industrial Visit 2024-25

Sr.NoVisit LocationDate
1Micro Tech Engg. Pvt. Ltd. MIDC Kupwad, Sangli10/08/2024
2MSETCL 400kV Substation Talandage, Kolhapur12/08/2024
3Hydro Power Plant, Ajara, Kolhapur 27/09/2024
4Sangli Transformer & Electricals, MIDC Kupwad, Sangli.21/10/2024
5Kalburgi Stampings, Karad02/01/2025
6MSETCL 400kV Substation Talandage, Kolhapur28/01/2025

Guest Lecture 2024-25

Sr.NoTopic for expert talkDateGuest Name & DesignationClass
1Career Prospects in Mahavitran and Awareness for Electrical Safety and Prevention of Electrical Accidents8/8/2024Mr Sandeep A Mohulkar Deputy Executive Enginer Regional Training Centre MSEDCL, Vishrambag, SangliSY,TY and B.Tech
2Key Concepts in Microprocessors and Microcontrollers interfacing with Real life applications.12-08-2024Dr.Mohmad Umair Bagali Research Supervisor & Professor Jain University Bengaluru.TY & B.Tech
3Introduction to 400KV substation in power systems with its components, layout and single line diagarm.13-08-2024Shri G P Naik Additional Executive Engineer Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited, Regional Training Centre, Talandge, KolhapurTY
4GATE Exams 2025 and its preparation and summary of control systems course and techniques to crack exam.27-09-2024Mr.Parag V Datar Head of Department Electrical & Electronics Engineering K L S Gogte Institute of Technology, Udyambag BelgaviTY & B.Tech
5Detailed insight for test & measurement with calibration of instruments used in various parameter measurement using fluke calibrator. 9-10-2024Mr Amol Jadhav Product Manager Revine Technologies Private limited, PuneTY & B. Tech
6Enhancing Research paper publications and exploring existing and new features in IEEE Xplore21-10-2024"Mr. Gourav V Date IEEE Service Manager EBSCO India Private Limited, Pune"TY
7Overview of TATA Power profile and selection process with job profile.23-10-2024"Ms. Sanjivini Ugalmugale Lead Engineer-Planning TATA Power, Bengaluru."B.Tech
8Energy Efficient Technologies in Power Equipments(Transformers) and Electrical Machines(Electric DC Motor)8-01-2025Mr V V Pattanshetti Directior Clean Hydrogen Energy Private Limited, BengaluruTY
9Current Scenario of Solar PV Industry and career prospects for electrical engineers.10/01/2025Mr Pratik Joshi Research Scholar Indian Institute of Technology, BombaySY and TY
10Campus to Corporate-Importance of Employability Skills in Engineering22/01/2025Mr Chetan Kulkarni Director Breathing Brains Private Limited, PuneSY and TY

Value Added Programs

Sr. No Topic Duration Resource Person & Organization Students Attended
1 AUTOCAD Electrical 24/06/2016 to 30/06/2016

Mr. Bhushan Chougule,

Co-founder and Managing Partner, Manage Code Cultivate LLP

2 MATLAB for Electrical Engineers 23/01/2017 to 30/01/2017

Wasim Durrani,

CEO, Aedifico Tech Pvt Ltd, Delhi

3 PLC, SCADA & HMI 22/02/2017 to 27/02/2017

Mr. Sudarshan Mantri,

General Manager, Educate to Automate

4 PLC, SCADA & HMI 08/09/2017 to 14/09/2017

Mr. Prabhakar Gavali,

Manager, Prolific Systems & Technologies Pvt Ltd, Pune

5 PLC and SCADA 04/09/2018 to 10/09/2018

Mr. Prabhakar Gavali,

Manager, Prolific Systems & Technologies Pvt Ltd, Pune

6 Power Electronics and Arduino 04/02/2019 to 08/02/2019

Mr. Anup Joshi,

Founder, Fusion Leap, Miraj

7 Industrial Automation & Solar System 23/08/2019 to 31/08/2019

Mr. Arif A. Shaikh,

Consultant, A Plus Electrical Solution, Miraj

8 Getting Started with IoT 07/10/2019 to 12/10/2019

Mr. Ajinkya Dixit & Ms. Sheetal Patil,

Founders, Aerobotix Techsolutions, Kolhapur

9 Design & Installation of Control Panels 14/02/2020 to 17/02/2020 Mr. Shital Karnale, Director, Anand Sagar Electricals, Kupwad 17
10 Python Programming 13/07/2020 to 15/07/2020 Dr. Anil Turukmane, Associate Professor & HOD, Computer Science & Engg., SITCOE, Yadrav 45
11 Design of Solar System 28/11/2020 to 01/12/2020 Mr. P. N. Joshi,
PhD Scholar,
IIT Bombay
12 Design of Electric Vehicle 14/06/2021 to 16/06/2021 Mr. Ajinkya Dixit, Founder, Aerobotix Techsolutions, Kolhapur 112
13 LATEX 08/10/2021 to 09/10/2021 Mr. V. S. Wadkar and Mr. P. R. Patil, Assistant Professor, SITCOE 129
14 Industrial Automation 17/02/2022 to 18/02/2022 Mr. Nayan Chaudhari, Automation Project Engineer, The World of Automation 68
15 Python Programming 16/10/2022 to 21/10/2022 Mr. Mr Yogesh J Patil, Archer InfoTech Training Services 65
16 Industrial Automation using PLC and SCADA 14/11/2022 to 19/11/2022 Mr. Ashwin Gadgil, Hem Electronics, Miraj 68
17 Industrial Automation using PLC and SCADA 03/10/2023 to 09/10/20223 Mr.Akash Dongale, DS Autoamtion, Kolhapur 71
18 Electrical AutoCAD 04/12/2023 to 09/12/2023 Mr. Ravindra A. Thorat, Branch Head , Mr.Ramesh Watane Trainer, Graphics Technologies, Kolhapur 73

Guest Lecture Academic Year 2023-24

Sr. No.Topic of Guest/Expert TalkConducted DateResource Person
1Basics in Banking, GST, Tendering and Finance05-08-2023Mr.Nilesh Pramod Patil
N.P. PAtil Associates, CA
2Commuication Skills and Profile Building12-08-2023Mrs.Pallavi Desai
CEO Achievers Academy Kolhapur
3GATE Awareness program, preparation strategy and job opportunities22-08-2023Mr. Digambar Benugade
BDM, Ohm Institute, Hydrabad
4Basic in power system layout, components, types of faults and protection25-08-2023Mr.Surgonda Shivgonda Patil
Retired Ex.Engg. MSETCL Karad
5Introduction to PLCC, SCADA, & EHV system25-08-2023Mr.Surgonda Shivgonda Patil
Retired Ex.Engg. MSETCL Karad
6DC to DC converter its applications26-08-2023Mr.Anup Joshi

Director Fusion leap, Miraj
7Merchant Navy Ocean Opportunities14-09-2023Mr. Sachinkumar Nandgave
Officer, Merchant Navy, Singapore
8Enhancing your research with new features in IEEE15/09/2023Mr. Gourav V. Date
IEEE service Manager,EBSCO India Pvt ltd. Pune
9Basics in electrical circuits & its application in industry07/10/2023Dr.Anwar M. Mulla
Principal, Dr. Daultarao Aher College of Engg. Karad
10Basics in Electrical Engineering, Power System's Equipment's and its functions02/11/2023Mr.Nitin Krishna Dake Additional Executive Engineer O&M Division MSETCL, Sangli
11Industrial Applications in Electrical and Electronics and Career Prospects23/11/2023Mr.Tulasidas Salunkhe, Managing Director Electrosal Hi-Tech Private Limited,Shripewadi,Nipani
12Information regarding Receiving Station Equipment01/02/2024Mr. Mahamad Nouman ShaikhSr. Executive Engg. Receiving Substation Adani Electricity, Mumbai
13Industrial Automation & Career Prospects for Electrical Engineers23/02/2024Mr. Parvez Gorwade, Team Lead, World EMP India Pvt Ltd. Pune

Guest Lecture Academic Year 2022-23

Sr.No.Topic of Guest/Expert TalkConducted DateResource Person
1Energy Conservation & Audit 09th September 2022Dr. Prof. Nilkant N Shinde, CEO, UES Renewable Energy Pvt. Ltd.
2Career Guidance10th September 2022Mr.Vitrag Shah, RS Labs, Pune
3Hydrogen fuel & its application for Evs& Opportunities in Industrial Process Automation.21st September 2022Mr. Anand Thakar, Principal Consultant, CADCAMGURU, Pune
4Presentation Skills23rd September 2022Mrs.Harshal Kajave, Entrepreneur, Kolhapur
5How to Get Government Jobs as per Students Education Level04th October 2022Mr.Vishnu Bhosale, Director, EDU Genius Academy, Kolhapur
6Industrial Automation using PLC and SCADA08th October 2022Mr Venugopal R Managing Director Venjay Automation Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru
7Insight in to Renewable Energy Sources its benefits & applications 03rd December 2022Mr Anup C Joshi Founder & Director Fusion Leap Miraj
8Latest Developments in the Field of Power Electronics & Electrical Drives06th December 2022Mr.Ashwin Gadgil, Business Development Manager, Hem Electroniques, Miraj
9GATE Examination 2023 and its preparation.20th January 2023Mr Aniket Budhale, Career Counselor NEXT LEVEL ACADEMY, Kolhapur
7Calibration Techniques and its advantages in Industrial applications.29th November 2021Mr Amit KushwahaM/s Isothermal Technology Private Limited, Delhi
8GATE Examinations 2022 and Its preparation.25th September 2021Mr. Jitendra Tiwari, MADE EASY GROUP, Pune.
9Career Opportunities after graduating in Electrical Engineering.13th September 2021Mr. Abhijeet Murgunde
10Electrical Safety Awareness & Protection from Electrical Accidents17th August 2021Mr Tamhankar H D Additional Exec Engineer; Mr Waydande R G DY Exec Engineer MSEDCL Regional Training Centre,Sangli.

Guest Lecture Academic Year 2021-22

Sr.No.Topic of Guest/Expert Talk Conducted Date Resource Person
1Electrical Machine Design14th June 2022 Mr.Suhel K. Shaikh, Assistant Professor, ADCET Ashta.
2Impact of thoughts on personality development and communication skill17th May 2022Mrs.Neena Patvardhan Sarvade, Director Prabhodhan Consultancy
3Entrepreneurship Development17th May 2022.Mr.Abhijeet Shete
Sharda Electronics and Co. MIDC Kupwad
4Industrial Automation21st April 2022Mr.Vivek Sardal
Just Engineering Pvt.Ltd Pune
Just Engineering Pvt.Ltd Pune
5Scilab for Computing13th April 2022Mr. Pankaj Patil
Project Manager IIT, Bombay
Project Manager IIT, Bombay
6Power Electronics Design31st March 2022Mr. Anup Joshi
Fusion Leap, Miraj
7Calibration Techniques and its advantages in Industrial applications.29th November 2021Mr Amit Kushwaha
M/s Isothermal Technology Private Limited, Delhi
8GATE Examinations 2022 and Its preparation.25th September 2021Mr. Jitendra Tiwari, MADE EASY GROUP, Pune.
9Career Opportunities after graduating in Electrical Engineering.13th September 2021Mr. Abhijeet Murgunde
10Electrical Safety Awareness & Protection from Electrical Accidents17th August 2021Mr Tamhankar H D Additional Exec Engineer; Mr Waydande R G DY Exec Engineer MSEDCL Regional Training Centre,Sangli.

Guest Lecture Academic Year 2020-21

Sr.NoTopic of Webinar/Expert Talk(Online mode)DateResource Person
1Building an impressive resume and communication skills.Mrs. Pallavi Desai, Achievers Academy Kolhapur
12th July 2021
2Basic understanding of Induction Motors and Applications.01st June 2021.Mr. J Srinivasan, M/s Ace Enablers LLP, Chennai.
3Introduction to SMART Automation & Basic Fundamentals in PLC & SCADA.24th May 2021.Mr. Arif A Shaikh, Researcher Fellow, WCE Sangli.
4Introduction to High Voltage Engineering Basics and Job opportunities thereof.29th April 2021Dr. Palash Mishra, Professor, NIT Warangal(Telangana State)
5Energy Efficient Equipments25th March 2021Mr. Anup C Joshi, Founder- Fusion Leap, Miraj.
6Strategy to Crack GATE Exams 202130thSeptember 2020Mr. A P Singh-
Joint Director MADE EASY Education Pvt Ltd, Pune
7Recent Trends in Industrial Automation05th July 2020Mr. Tham Prasad-
Sr- Engineer.
InfoTech Hyderabad
8Sustainable Development-Need of the Hour03rd July 2020Mr. M H Mota
Assistant Professor
SITCOE, Yadrav
9Recent Trends in Power Electronics21st June 2020Mr. Jagadish Somannavar, Design Engineer, Microchip, Bengaluru.
10Introduction to HVDC Systems16th June 2020Mr. V S Wadkar, Assistant Engineer, HVDC Terminal Station, Padgha.
11Condition Monitoring of Transformers15th June 2020Mr. V V Pattanshetti, Former- Addl Director, CPRI Bangalore
12Industry 4.0 and IIOT15th June 2020Mr. Sudarshan Mantri-BDM, Siemens Limited Pune
13Cast Resin Transformers31st May 2020Mr. Shantinath T Baragale
14Regulated Electricity Market19th May 2020Mr. Hemanth Joshi

Guest Lecture Academic Year 2019-20

*Topic**Date of Conduction**Resource Person Name and Organization*
Gate preparation and Project Management24-07-2019Mr Mahesh Takale, M/s Chanakya Logic Solutions, Kolhapur
Introduction to Embedded and Cloud Fundamentals for IOT application24-08-2019Mr Unmesh S Sagare, M/s Vedam Labs, Solapur
Overseas Education and Career Opportunities at International Level29-08-2019Mr AbhayKelkar, Shri MahalaxmiAcademy,Kolhapur
Solar Photovoltaic cells and its applications31-08-2019Mr Pratik N Joshi, Research Scholar, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Journey of Becoming Iron Man in World competition01-09-2019Mr Swapnil D Mane,Mr Mahesh Mate, Mr Babashaeb Pujari, Mr Mukesh Totla, Mr Amarpal Kohli, Mr Vishal Kothle, Winners of Iron Man World Athletic Competition
Overview of Tendering, Banking and Taxation16-09-2019Mr Nilesh P Patil, Asst Chartered Accountant, NP Patil and Associates, Sangli
Electrical Power Quality and Harmonics an Overview18-09-2019Mr Parag V Datar, Asst Prof,KLS GIT, Belgavi
Gate Exam 2020 and Its Preparation24-09-2019Mr Sandip Desai Professor, RajaramBapu Institute of Technology,Islampur
Iot and Its Applications01-10-2019Mr Ajinkya Dixit, M/s Aerobotix Tech Solutions, Kolhapur
Career guidance and Job Opportunities in GATE/IES/PSU's30-01-2020Mr Aniket Budhale,Head Faculty Next Level Engineering Academy, Kolhapur
Competitive Exam Study Techniques and Its Opportunities12-02-2020Mr Vaibhav Srivastava, Executive Made Easy Education Pvt Ltd, Pune
Introduction to Industrial Automation02-03-2020Mr Vilas Patil, Technical Lead, Infy Sky Belgavi

Guest Lecture Academic Year 2018-19

* Topic**Date of Conduction**Resource Person Name and Organization*
Applications of Fourier Series and Laplace Transforms28-07-2018Dr Anwar M Mulla, Govt College of Engineering, Karad
Computer Techniques for Power Flow Analysis28-07-2018Mr Sammeer U Bagwan,Research Scholar, ADCET Ashta
Power and Distribution Transformer Applications11-08-2018Mr Surendra S Shinde M/s Aditya VidyutAppliances,Thane
Digital Electronics16-08-2018Mr Anup C Joshi, M/s Fusion Leaf,Miraj
Overview of AC and DC Machines28.08.2018Mr Veejhay B Limaaye M/s VL Engineers, Miraj
Power Quality and Harmonics an Overview29-08-2018Mr Parag V Datar Asst Prof KLS GIT Belgavi
Gate Exam and Its Preperation29-08-2018Mr Parag V Datar Asst Prof KLS GIT Belgavi
Details and Apllications of SCADA03-09-2018Mr Ravindra L Gramopadhye MSEDCL Sangli
Soft Skills03-09-2018Mr Makarand Patwardhan M/s Renu Electronics, Pune
IoT03-09-2018Mr Makarand Patwardhan M/s Renu Electronics, Pune
Body Language Etiquettes and Manners07-09-2018Mrs Kalpana Deshpande A.C.C.E.S.S ,Sangli
Condition Monitoring and High Voltage Testing of Transformers27.12.2018Mr Surendra S Shinde M/s Aditya VidyutAppliances,Thane
Opportunities and Recent Scenario of our country in Space Research27.12.2018Prof M V Dhankane Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology,Trivendrum
Future in Electrical Engineering31.12.2018Mr Abhijeet K Murgunde Emerson, Pune
Industrial Automation23-01-2019Mr.Sanjay Gawade, M/s Gawade Electricals,Nashik
Energy Conservation and Audit23-01-2019Mr.Sanjay Gawade, M/s Gawade Electricals,Nashik
UPSC|Civil Services Exam Awareness12-03-2019Mr P T SwaroopPragnya IAS Academy, Pune

Guest Lecture Academic Year 2017-18

* Topic**Date of Conduction**Resource Person Name and Organization*
Gate Examination and Its Preperation08-07-2017Mr Rohit Patil, Skillogic,Sangli
Sustainable Development22-07-2017Mr M H Mota SITCOE Yadrav
Electromagnetics and Electric Circuits23-09-2017Dr A M Mulla ADCET Ashta
Energy Conservation15-01-2018Mr.Sanjay Gawade, M/s Gawade Electricals,Nashik
Industrial Automation and Its Opportunities15-01-2018Mr.Sanjay Gawade, M/s Gawade Electricals,Nashik
Energy Conservation and Energy Audit15-01-2018Mr.Sanjay Gawade, M/s Gawade Electricals,Nashik
Electrical Generation and Utilization23-01-2018Mr Veejhay B Limaaye VL Engineers, Miraj
Recent trends in Power Electronics and Drives23-01-2018Mr Rajesh Piralkar M/s Renutron Power Solutions,Kolhapur
Robotics and Manufacturing Solutions05-02-2018Mr Amey Kulkarni M/s Connect Technologies, Kolhapur
Robotics and Manufacturing Solutions05-02-2018Mr Jaydeep J JoshiM/s TAL Mfg and Solutions Ltd, Pune
PLC Automation16-03-2018Mr RaghavendraKatti,Mr Tushar Sankpal, M/s Microlog Systems and Tech Pvt Ltd, Kolhapur
New Technologies and Industry Readiness19-03-2018Mr Kalpesh Saraf NASSCOM, Pune

Guest Lecture Academic Year 2016-17

* Topic**Date of Conduction**Resource Person Name and Organization*
Career Guidance in Electrical13-08-2016Mr Abhijeet Murgunde, Emerson Pune
Azadi 70-Yadkarokurbani10-09-2016Mr Arjun D Koli, Ex Service Man, Indian Army
Gate Preperation08-10-2016Mr Deepak Porwal, Gate Tutor Pune
Energy Conservation and Audit30-01-2017Mr Sanjay GawadeM/s Gawade Electricals Nashik.

Industrial Visits 2023-24

Name of IndustryClassDate of Visit
400KV MSETCL,Sub-station, TalandageB.Tech02/09/2023
Hydro Power Plant, Patgaon SE16/10/2023
Sharada Electronics & Co. MIDC KupwadSE07/02/2024
Power Control Electro Systems Pvt Ltd, Kupwad MIDCTY07/02/2024
HVDC Chandrapur PadhageTY 14/03/2024

Industrial Visits

Academic Year 2019-20


*Name of Industry* *Class* *Date of Visit*
Magnewin Energy Pvt. Ltd., Sangli SE 18/07/2019
Renutron Power Solutions, Kolhapur TE 20/07/2019
Eibenstok Positron Pvt. Ltd, Tardal BE 20/07/2019
Panchganga Roller Floormills, Kolhapur TE 21/09/2019
Lada Pumps Pvt. Ltd., Kolhapur TE 21/09/2019
Power Control Electro Systems Pvt. Ltd., Sangli BE 05/10/2019
Silicon Polymers Pvt. Ltd., Sangli BE 05/10/2019
Industrial Visit at HVDC Terminal Station, Padghe BE 30/01/2020
State Load Dispatch Centre, Kalwa BE 01/02/2020
Finolex Pvt. Ltd., Devgad TE 06/02/2020
JSW Envergy Ltd., Jaigad TE 07/02/2020


Academic Year 2018-19

*Name of Industry* *Class* *Date of Visit*
Power Engineers Pvt. Ltd., Kolhapur TE 08-02-2018
Panchganga Roller Floormills, Kolhapur TE 08-02-2018
Vivekanand Electrical Industries, Bangalore SE & BE 08-06-2018
KPC Gas Power Corporation, Bangalore SE & BE 08-07-2018
Eibenstok Positron Pvt. Ltd, Ichalkaranji SE 13/8/2018
Shakti Irrigator Pvt. Ltd, Ichalkaranji TE 28/8/2018
Silicon Polymers Pvt. Ltd., Sangli BE 09-01-2018
Power Control Electro System, Sangli BE 09-01-2018
Magnewin Energy Pvt. Ltd., Sangli TE 01-05-2019
Lada Pumps Pvt. Ltd., Kolhapur TE 23/01/2019
HVDC Station, Padgha BE 29/01/2019
Renutron Power Solutions, Kolhapur SE 02-11-2019
Trinity Electrical Industry, Bangalore TE 02-11-2019
Vivekanand Electrical Industry, Bangalore TE 02-11-2019

Academic Year 2017-18

*Name of Industry* *Class* *Date of Visit*
L & T Switchgear Bhosari Pune BE 09-07-2017
Laxmi pumps Gokul shirgaon TE 18/08/2017
Mahesh Electrical Instrument Devrukh SE 19/01/2018
Power engineers Gokul shirgaon BE 19/01/2018
Eibenstock positron elektrowork pvt ltd Tardal TE 23/01/2018
33/11 KV Distribution substation Yadrav BE 02-08-2018
Shakti irrigation pump Ichalkaranji BE 30/01/2018
Nuclear power plant kaiga SE 27/01/2018
Supa power house Karnataka SE 28/01/2018
HVDC Padghe BE 15/02/2018
LDC Kalwa BE 16/02/2018

Academic Year 2016-17

*Name of Industry* *Class* *Date of Visit*
L & T Switchgear Bhosari Pune BE 09-07-2017
Laxmi pumps Gokul shirgaon TE 18/08/2017
Mahesh Electrical Instrument Devrukh SE 19/01/2018
Power engineers Gokul shirgaon BE 19/01/2018
Eibenstock positron elektrowork pvt ltd Tardal TE 23/01/2018
33/11 KV Distribution substation Yadrav BE 02-08-2018
Shakti irrigation pump Ichalkaranji BE 30/01/2018
Nuclear power plant kaiga SE 27/01/2018
Supa power house Karnataka SE 28/01/2018
HVDC Padghe BE 15/02/2018
LDC Kalwa BE 16/02/2018
Sr. No.Topic of Guest/Expert TalkConducted DateResource Person
1Basics in Banking, GST, Tendering and Finance05-08-2023Mr.Nilesh Pramod Patil N.P. PAtil Associates, CA Sangli
2Commuication Skills and Profile Building12-08-2023Mrs.Pallavi Desai CEO Achievers Academy Kolhapur
3GATE Awareness program, preparation strategy and job opportunities22-08-2023Mr. Digambar Benugade BDM, Ohm Institute, Hydrabad
4Basic in power system layout, components, types of faults and protection25-08-2023Mr.Surgonda Shivgonda Patil Retired Ex.Engg. MSETCL Karad
5Introduction to PLCC, SCADA, & EHV system25-08-2023Mr.Surgonda Shivgonda Patil Retired Ex.Engg. MSETCL Karad
6DC to DC converter its applications26-08-2023Mr.Anup Joshi Director Fusion leap, Miraj
7Merchant Navy Ocean Opportunities14-09-2023Mr. Sachinkumar Nandgave Officer, Merchant Navy, Singapore
8Enhancing your research with new features in IEEE15/09/2023Mr. Gourav V. Date IEEE service Manager,EBSCO India Pvt ltd. Pune
9Basics in electrical circuits & its application in industry07/10/2023Dr.Anwar M. Mulla Principal, Dr. Daultarao Aher College of Engg. Karad
10Basics in Electrical Engineering, Power System's Equipment's and its functions02/11/2023Mr.Nitin Krishna Dake Additional Executive Engineer O&M Division MSETCL, Sangli
11Industrial Applications in Electrical and Electronics and Career Prospects23/11/2023Mr.Tulasidas Salunkhe, Managing Director Electrosal Hi-Tech Private Limited,Shripewadi,Nipani
12Information regarding Receiving Station Equipment01/02/2024Mr. Mahamad Nouman ShaikhSr. Executive Engg. Receiving Substation Adani Electricity, Mumbai
13Industrial Automation & Career Prospects for Electrical Engineers23/02/2024Mr. Parvez Gorwade, Team Lead, World EMP India Pvt Ltd. Pune